‫۵ سال و ۱ ماه قبل، دوشنبه ۲۸ مرداد ۱۳۹۸، ساعت ۱۶:۴۷
با توجه به مطلب «طراحی و پیاده سازی زیرساختی برای مدیریت خطاهای حاصل از Business Rule Validationها در ServiceLayer» می‌توان طراحی زیر را انجام داد:
public class Customer
    public string Email { get; private set; }
    public string Name { get; private set; }

    private Customer(email, name)
        Email = email;
        Name = name;

    public static Result<Customer> New(string email, string name, INewCustomerPolicy policy)
        var isUnique = policy.IsUnique(email);
        if (!isUnique)
            return Result.Fail<Customer>("Customer with this email already exists.");

        var customer = new Customer(email, name);

        //customer.AddDomainEvent(new CustomerRegistered(customer));

        return Result.Ok(customer);
کلاس Result در زیرساخت DNTFrameworkCore قابل دسترس می‌باشد.
‫۵ سال و ۴ ماه قبل، دوشنبه ۱۳ خرداد ۱۳۹۸، ساعت ۰۶:۵۱
راه حل دیگر: استفاده از روش Containment بجای Inheritance
public class UserModel
    [Display(Name = "Full name")]
    public string Name { get; set; }

public class UserModalViewModel
    public UserModel Model { get; set; }
    public bool IsAdmin { get; set; }
    public IReadonlyList<lookupitem> Roles { get; set; }
اکشن متد متناظر با درخواست GET
public async Task<IActionResult> Edit(int id)
    var user = await _service.FindAsync(id); //return Maybe<UserModel>
    if (!user.HasValue)
        return NotFound();

    // prepare model
    var model = new UserModalViewModel
        Model = user.Value,
        IsAdmin = true,
        Roles = await _lookupService.ReadRolesAsync()
    return View(model);

اکشن متد متناظر با درخواست POST
public async Task<IActionResult> Edit([Bind(Prefix = "Model")] UserModel model)
    //todo: check ModelState and save model
    await _service.EditAsync(model);

‫۵ سال و ۱۰ ماه قبل، یکشنبه ۱۸ آذر ۱۳۹۷، ساعت ۲۳:۱۹
مطلب تکمیلی 
dynamic type 
Pros: This approach reduces the need to modify static ViewModel classes whenever you update the SQL sentence of a query, making this design approach pretty agile when coding, straightforward, and quick to evolve in regard to future changes.
Cons: In the long term, dynamic types can negatively impact the clarity and the compatibility of a service with client apps. In addition, middleware software like Swashbuckle cannot provide the same level of documentation on returned types if using dynamic types. 

ViewModel (DTO) 
Pros : Having static predefined ViewModel classes, like “contracts” based on explicit DTO classes, is definitely better for public APIs but also for long term microservices, even if they are only used by the same application.
If you want to specify response types for Swagger, you need to use explicit DTO classes as the return type. Therefore, predefined DTO classes allow you to offer richer information from Swagger. That improves the API documentation and compatibility when consuming an API.
Cons : As mentioned earlier, when updating the code, it takes some more steps to update the DTO classes.  
‫۶ سال و ۲ ماه قبل، شنبه ۶ مرداد ۱۳۹۷، ساعت ۲۲:۰۸
یک مطلب مرتبط
A next-level validation is domain validation, or as I've often seen referred, "business rule validation". This is more of a system state validation, "can I affect the change to my system based on the current state of my system". I might be checking the state of a single entity, a group of entities, an entire collection of entities, or the entire system. The key here is I'm not checking the request against itself, but against the system state.