بهبودهای کارآیی LINQ در دات‌نت 9
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https://blog.ndepend.com/net-9-0-linq-performance-improvements/ icon
.NET 9.0 LINQ Performance Improvements

With .NET 9, LINQ becomes faster in several common scenarios. As with every new version of .NET, you simply need to migrate and recompile to take advantage of these improvements. Additionally, LINQ has been optimized in other ways: SIMD is utilized whenever possible, such as when summing a sequence of integers. Moreover, enumerating empty sequences incurs lower costs due to early detection.
بهبودهای کارآیی LINQ در دات‌نت 9
بررسی Native AOT در دات‌نت 8
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N-MrQeZ1enY icon
Deep .NET - Ahead of Time Compilation (Native AOT) with Eric Erhardt

Scott Hanselman is joined by Eric Erhardt to go deep on all things Native AOT, that is right, Ahead of Time Compilation. Learn about everything Native AOT from start to finish and how .NET leverages this technology to make your apps and code super fast.

00:00:00 Intro
00:04:17 Understanding the Options and Restrictions of Publishing in .NET Apps
00:06:46 Limitations and Benefits of Native AOT
00:12:33 Development and Implementation of Web API AOT
00:16:28 Use of Create Small and Source Generators in Web Development
00:22:03 Role and Impact of Source Generators in Software Development
00:29:17 Application Performance Optimization and Role-Based Optimization in Web Development
00:33:27 Program Optimization Techniques and Trade-offs
00:37:28 Trade-offs and Considerations in Application Optimization
00:41:27 Understanding the Challenges and Limitations of Implementing AOT
00:46:34 Understanding and Implementing AOT
00:52:56 Understanding Model Streaming Extensions
00:55:50 C# 11 and AOT
01:03:49 Understanding and Addressing AOT Compatibility Issues
01:08:54 Understanding Trimming
01:10:35 Understanding and Addressing System Memory Data and Error Handling
01:16:16 Binary Data Compatibility and Source Generation in Visual Studio
01:24:25 Advanced Features
01:25:29 Wrap-up
بررسی Native AOT در دات‌نت 8
بررسی بهبودهای کارآیی LINQ در دات‌نت 9
301, MovedPermanently
https://medium.com/@malarsharmila/net-9-linq-performance-improvements-457ee3481e0d icon
.NET 9 LINQ Performance Improvements

Benchmark comparisons between .NET 8 and .NET 9 show that certain LINQ queries execute up to 30% faster, depending on the dataset and query complexity. These improvements are particularly impactful for performance-critical applications, where even small gains can add up to substantial boosts.
بررسی بهبودهای کارآیی LINQ در دات‌نت 9
EFCore.Visualizer؛ افزونه‌ای برای نمایش Query Plan کوئری‌های EF در Visual Studio
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https://github.com/Giorgi/EFCore.Visualizer icon
With the Entity Framework Core query plan debugger visualizer, you can view the query plan of your queries directly inside Visual Studio. Currently, the visualizer supports SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and Oracle.
EFCore.Visualizer؛ افزونه‌ای برای نمایش Query Plan کوئری‌های EF در Visual Studio
بررسی کارآیی کتابخانه‌های کار با تصاویر در دات‌نت
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https://anthonysimmon.com/benchmarking-dotnet-libraries-for-image-resizing/ icon

Benchmarking .NET libraries for image resizing: which performs best?

Which .NET library is fastest at image resizing? Which one uses the least memory? A benchmark comparison of ImageSharp, Magick.NET, NetVips, and SkiaSharp.

بررسی کارآیی کتابخانه‌های کار با تصاویر در دات‌نت