کار با Api های Git در NET. توسط کتابخانه LibGit2Sharp
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https://github.com/libgit2/libgit2sharp icon

Git + .NET/Mono = ❤  http://libgit2.github.com

LibGit2Sharp brings all the might and speed of libgit2, a native Git implementation, to the managed world of .NET and Mono. 

$ git init /d/temp/rooted/path
string rootedPath = Repository.Init(@"D:\temp\rooted\path");

$ git add --all .
using (var repo = new Repository("path/to/your/repo"))
    Commands.Stage(repo, "*");

$ git checkout <branch>
using (var repo = new Repository("path/to/your/repo"))
    var branch = repo .Branches[branchName];
    Branch currentBranch = Commands.Checkout(repo , branch);
کار با Api های Git در NET. توسط کتابخانه LibGit2Sharp