نقد و بررسی Clean Architecture
Myths about Clean Architecture

It's the same as "Clean Code", and I think that's rubbish so this is rubbish.
It's complicated.
There are no benefits.
You need lots of projects.
You need lots of dependency packages.
In particular, you need some combination of Mediatr, AutoMapper, and/or MassTransit.
It's basically just "enterprise" again.
You have to use it for your entire codebase.
You are good enough that you can dismiss it out of hand without evaluating whether you've perhaps misunderstood what it really is.
Proper developers don't do it because they're busy shipping features.
CA doesn't introduce any overhead that would measurably slow down delivering features. Done right, it should speed things up because like practices such as TDD, quality can go up and rework goes down.

نقد و بررسی Clean Architecture
دوره 4 ساعته پیاده سازی اعتبارسنجی با JWT توسط Angular 18 و ASP .NET 8
Build a Secure App with Angular 18 & ASP .NET 8

Building secure applications is paramount in today's digital landscape, where data breaches and cyber threats are prevalent. In this comprehensive full course on Angular 17 and .NET 8 JWT Authentication, we'll delve into every aspect of creating robust and secure applications, spanning a wide array of topics from role management to password reset functionalities using mail.
دوره 4 ساعته پیاده سازی اعتبارسنجی با JWT توسط Angular 18 و ASP .NET 8
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خطا در اضافه کردن سرویس soap wsdl در WCF
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